Breathalyser Calibration

Breathalyser Calibration

Breathalyser calibration what is it? 

Calibration of breathalysers is the process of checking and adjusting the alcohol sensor within the breathalyser to ensure the reliability, and that it can be trusted to give consistent accurate results. The main goal is to minimise any measurement uncertainty

Why is it important to get a breathalyser calibrated

It is important that the calibration is carried out by a UKAS (United Kingdom Accreditation Service) accredited organisation following the guidelines ISO/IEC 17025:2017 which provides an assurance of the competence, impartiality of conformity in that service.

How often should a breathalyser be calibrated

The recommended frequency of calibration is every 6 months, some devices having software that stops the device working at exactly that time.

What is involved in the calibration process

breathalyser calibrator uk

The process of calibration involves sending the device to the UKAS accredited organisation which will carry out a QA/Drift test and issue a certificate, calibrate using a wet bath calibrator and issue a certificate of calibration and then send back at the earliest opportunity to avoid being without a device.

Where can I get my breathalyser calibrated in the UK

Narcolytical ltd provides such a service with arranged collection, QA/Drift, calibration and courier return in one package deal.

Which breathalysers do Narcolytical Ltd calibrate

breathalyser calibration service uk

Narcolytical Ltd offer UKAS accredited breathalyser calibration service for the following breathalysers: Drager 6819  Draeger 6820, Lion 500 and the intoximeter FST and AlcoQuant 6020, Lifeloc

For more information on breathalyser calibration service or to book a calibration for one of the above alcohol breathalysers contact:

Paul Kentish,

Managing Director, 

Narcolytical ltd 

5 Holman Road

Liskeard Business Park



PL14 3UT

Telephone 01579 324 152 Office

0750 1684 717 Mobile


Narcolytical are based in Cornwall in the UK, but offer a worldwide breathalyser calibration service.

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Do you have Drug test (Dräger DrugTest 5000) calibration facility?

Lijoy Davis

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